Table of Contents
0.2New Teaching Staff

Updated on 2021-08-18


(A) Moodle Access
A1 Go to Moodle 4 Logging In
(B) Moodle Home Page
B1 Page Layout and Messages 5 Home Page
B2 Showing / Hidding Courses to Students 5.1 Managing Course List
(C) Course Page and Participants
C1 Course Page 7 Course Page
C2 Participants List 7.1 Participants
C3 Editing Course - "Turn editing on" 8.2 Editing Course
C4 Managing Topics / Weeks 8.4 Managing Topics
(D) Communication Channels
D1 News and Announcements 9 Making News and Announcements
D2 Mail for Moodle Internal 6 Moodle Mail
(E) Course Content
E1 Drag-n-Drop onto the Page 10.2 Course Files Drag-n-Drop
E2 .mp3 Files 10.1.7 .mp3 Flle
E3 Video File Links 10.1.8 .mp4 File
(Stored on OneDrive and Put the link on Moodle)
E4 Text Message 10.1.4 Label
(F) Course Activities
F1 Attendance Activity 12.4 Attendance Module
F2 Discussion Forum 12.1 Discussion Forum Module
F3 A MC Question 12.2 Choice Module
(G) Course Assignment
G0 Assignment Comparison 11 Assignment Comparison Table **Updated**
G1 Creating Moodle Assignment 11.1 Adding Assignment **Updated**
G2 Viewing and Managing Moodle Assignment 11.2 Viewing and Managing Submitted Assignments **Updated**
G3 Downloading Moodle Assignment 11.3 Downloading Submitted Assignments
G4 Moodle Assignment Online Marking with PC / iPad 11.4 Bulk Upload Feedback Files
G5 Moodle Assignment Giving / Editing Feedback One by One 11.6.1 Adding / Editing Assignment Feedback
G6 Moodle Assignment Marking on Hardcopies and
Returning Scanned Feedback Files
11.6.3 Use Case 1
G7 Creating Turnitin Assignment Turnitin - Creating Assignment
G8 Viewing and Managing Turnitin Assignment Turnitin - Viewing the Turnitin Submission Inbox
G9 Turnitin Assignment Online Feedback and Rubric Grading Turnitin - Feedback Studio
G10 Turnitin Assignment Marking on Downloaded Files and
Returning Feedback Files by A "Blank Moodle Assignment"
11.6.4 Use Case 2
(H) Course Materials Management
H1 Showing / Hiding Materials 13.1 Showing / Hiding Course Content
H2 Restrict Access 13.2 Restricting Access
H3 Viewing as Students 13.3 Switching Role
H4 Participating as Students 13.4 Logging In As Guest Student
H5 Reusing Materials on the Same Course 15.4 Duplicate Activities / Resources
H6 Reusing Materials from Another Course 15.1 Import Course
(I) Course Grade Book
I1 Uploading Grades 14 Grade Book

