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Updated on 2020-12-18

Please ensure that always starting a new Turnitin window for each paper. After you finished the marking, you can close the Turnitin window and open a new window for the next paper from Moodle. This should minimize any issues with sessions terminating during marking. All comments and grades added within Turnitin are automatically saved as long as there is an active session running.

Feedback Studio ( is one of the powerful features of Turnitin, which allows teachers to perform similarity checking, online feedback, and rubric grading tools for evaluating student work.

Turnitin Feedback Studio Demo:


Note Students will be able to access the feedback/grades on Turnitin after the "Post Date".

Note User Guide for Students : Accessing the Teacher's Feedback on Turnitin




1 Active Layers (Current View) : Grading Layer, Similarity Layer or both.

2 Grading Functions :

  1. QuickMarks and Commenting Tools
  2. Feedback Summary (overall Text/Voice Comment)
  3. Rubric

3 Similarity Functions :

Note For checking the Similarity Report, please refer to the Instructor User Guide of Feedback Studio from Turnitin:

4 General :

  • Download (Current View / Digital Receipt / Originaliry Submitted File)
  • Submission Details (Submission ID, Submitted Time, Linking Feedback Studio for iOS)


