Table of Contents
11Course Assignment
11.2Viewing and Managing Submitted Assignments

Updated on 2021-06-18

Clicking the Assignment link on the Course Page to enter the Assignment Summary Page.



11.2.1(a) View All Submissions

11.2.1(b) View All Submissions (with Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin) **New**

11.2.2 Lock Submissions

11.2.3 Download Submission Summary in Excel File

11.2.4 Enable Group Mode



11.2.1(a) View All Submissions


1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the button View all submissions.



2 Grading action :

3 Filter submissions by

  • Title : On CPCE Moodle, all students with title "Student", academic staff and administrative staff with title "Staff". In teaching courses, there are guest student accounts with title "Guest Student".
  • Fullname : Students' lastname + firstname / English name.

4 Column heading : Click to column heading in blue for sorting submissions in ascending or descending.

5 By checking the selection boxes (choose some of the submissions / all submissions), choose actions in 6 and 7

6 With selected ...

  • Lock submissions : To prevent the submission changes by students.
  • Unlock submissions : To resume the submission changes by students.
  • Download selected submissions : Download some students' original submitted files (Each student submission is put in a separate folder).
  • Grant extension : Extend the assignment deadline to particular students.
  • Send feedback files : To upload the same feedback files to selected students.
  • Set marking workflow state : When adopted "Using marking workflow", set the status of teachers' feedback / grades.

7 With selected users send a local mail ... : Select particular students as Moodle Mail recipients and send a message (To All / CC All / BCC All ). Please refer to 6 Moodle Mail for details.

Note For sending message to students who have not submitted assignment :

  1. Show all students' submissions on one page.
  2. Apply filter "Not submitted".
  3. Select all students who did not submit assignments
  4. Choose "To All / CC All / BCC All" in "With selected users send a local mail ..."

8 Assignment per page : Number of students' submissions display on one page.

9 Filter (refer to submission information / status)

  • No filter : Listing all students submissions.
  • Not submitted
  • Submitted
  • Requires grading
  • Granted extension

10 Workflow filter (refer to Marking workflow status) : No filter / Not marked / In marking / Marking completed / In review / Ready for release / Released.

11 Edit (Edit submission) :

  • Update grade : update the grade of this submission.
  • Prevent submission changes : Prevent the changes of this submission.
  • Edit submission : Edit the submitted file / Add a new file to this assignment on behalf of the student.
  • Grant extension : Extend the assignment deadline to this submission.

12 Grade this submission by adding Grades, Feedback Comments and Feedback Files.




11.2.1(b) View All Submissions (with Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin)


*** Only the assignments submitted after set "Enable Turnitin : Yes" will be uploaded to Turnitin for checking. ***

13 (If enabled Turnitin) Turnitin ID : A reference number of the Turnitin submission. "Turnitin status: Queued" : The file has sent out, but have NOT submitted to Turnitin.

Note If there are two or more files can be submitted to this assignment, each file will has a independant Paper ID and Similarity Report. For resubmissions, the paper IDs will be regenerated every time.
If there is one file can be submitted to this assignment, the paper ID will NOT be changed for resubmissions.

Note If the student did NOT accept the Turnitin End User License Agreement, the file will NOT be submitted to Turnitin. when moust hover the "icon", a message will be shown "This file has not been submitted to Turnitin because the user has not accepted the Turnitin End User Licence Agreement.".



14 (If enabled Turnitin) Similarity Percentage : A percentage indicating the overall similarity of the paper. Click the Similarity Percentage to open the Similarity Report. The Similarity Report is pending if the % is NOT shown on the page.


15 (If enabled Turnitin) GradeMark : Go to the "Turnitin Feedback Studio" to give feedback. For details, please refer to [Giving Feedback on Turnitin User Guide].

Note To allow students to view the feedback on Turnitin, teachers need to change the "Marking workflow state" to "Released" (same function as the "Post Date" in Turnitin Assignment). For details, please refer to [11.4.5 Releasing Feedback Files and Grades to Students] (including the Feedback on Turnitin).

Note For downloading the marked assignments on Turnitin, teachers need to go to the "Turnitin Feedback Studio" to get the files one by one.



16 (If enabled Turnitin) Students' Viewing on Turnitin GradeMark : Whether the student has view the feedback on Turnitin.

  • The student has not viewed this paper.
  • The student viewed the paper on: dddd, d mmmm yyyy, H:MM AM/PM



17 (If enabled Turnitin) Refresh Submissions (on the page of "Edit settings") : Synchronising data from Turnitin Server.



11.2.2 Lock Submissions

Note Cut-off Date : If enabled, NO late submission can be made after this date. After the Due Date and before the Cut-off Date, students can modify their submissions unless their submission have been locked by teachers.



1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the button View all submissions.



2 Choose "All" for "Assignment per page" : Display all assignment submission records into one page.

3 Choose "Submitted" for "Filter" : Only show the submitted records.

4 Click the box to select all submission records. (Ensure all students are shown on the list, including "All" for the Title and Fullname filtering which located on the top of the page.)

5 Choose "Lock submissions" for "With selected ...".

6 Click the button "Go" to confirm.



7 Press the button "OK" for Lock all selected submissions?.



8 The students' submission status will be shown as "Submission changes not allowed" .


Student's View after locked the submission

A message "This assignment is not accepting submissions" will be shown under Submission status.



11.2.3 Download Submission Summary in Excel File

Note By default, the "Offline grading worksheet" has enabled in the Assignment Settings.




1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the button View all submissions.



2 Choose Download grading worksheet.



3 The csv file including Student Full Name, Student ID, Submission Status, and Submission Time. Teachers can save this file into excel format .xlsx for further editing.



11.2.4 Enable Group Mode

Group Mode = "Seperate group" : Filtering students' submission records by different groups for checking submission summary and downloading submitted files. The group "All participants" is containing all the students in the course.

Note For the details about "Group Mode", please refer to 13.5 Group Mode



1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the "Edit" icon on the top right corner.

2 Choose Edit settings.



3 Go to Common module settings, set the "Group mode" be "Separate groups".

4 Press the "Save and display" button to save the change.



5 On the Assignment Summary page / View All Submission page, choose one group for filtering the submission records.

