Table of Contents
0What is School Data Sync

Updated on 2021-08-20

By referring to the Moodle data about the teaching subjects, ITU will create Teams of Moodle Individual/Lecture Group and update the owners/members of Teams every day. Such data synchronisation process from Moodle to Teams is called "School Data Sync".


Teams created by the School Data Sync, the Teams owners (i.e. teachers) and members (i.e. students) will be added/removed according to the daily changes of subject enrollment records.

Note Generally, the Teams created by the School Data Sync will be created one week before the semester commence and archived on the date of announcement of assessment results.


# From Moodle To Teams
0 Individual Group

* Suffix of name : [YEAR SEM].
* The Combined Group or Centralized Group will NOT be created on Teams by the School Data Sync.
* Moodle groups: Course Formation.
Individual Group
Lecture Group = Adding all the teachers and students in the same class
* Prefix of name : YEAR-SEM.
  • 2021-1 BHMH1111 SUBJECT TITLE (Group A01)
  • 2021-1 LCH2222 SUBJECT TITLE (Group 102)
  • 2021-1 SEHH3333 SUBJECT TITLE (Group A03)
  • 2021-1 SHDH4444 SUBJECT TITLE (Group 101A)
  • 2021-1 SHDH4444 SUBJECT TITLE (Group 101B)
  • 2021-1 SHDH4444 SUBJECT TITLE (Group 101C)
  • 2021-1 SHDH4444 SUBJECT TITLE (Lecture Group 101)
1 Name of Course Name of Teams
2 Teacher / non-editing Teacher
with email
Owner of Teams
with email
3 Student Member of Teams
- Guest Student
* It is for Moodle internal use only that CANNOT access other systems.
- IAA Student, LA Student
* For accessing the Moodle materials only.
- N/A Teams Creator as an owner
* For creating Teams only, no access to this account.


