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14Course Content Page

Updated on 2023-08-16


14.8 Attendance

Mark attendance grades and access detailed records. For each class meeting, teachers can mark whether a student is present, late, absent, or excused. The attendance records for each student appear in a single column next to other grades. On the Attendance page, profile pictures appear so teachers can easily identify students. Teachers can use attendance as part of grade calculations.

  • 14.8.1 Add attendance form the Course Content Page / Course Gradebook


    1 On the course content page, under Attendance, click "Mark attendance".



    1a Go to "Gradebook".

    1b Select the "Plus Sign".

    1c Choose "Add Attendance".



    2 Click "Add Attendance" Button.

  • 14.8.2. Settings

    Teachers can change the default settings for the grade display and for Late in the grade schema, but cannot change the percentages for Present, Absent, and Excused. Excused counts as Present for scoring purposes, or can be included in grade calculations.




  • 14.8.3 Mark Attendance One by One

    When opening attendance, teachers will see the "Meeting view" for current day. Teachers can mark each student’s attendance, changes will be saved automatically.

    After marking the students' attendance by teachers, students’ attendance grades are posted automatically. If teachers change students' attendance or clear marks, students see the changes immediately.



  • 14.8.4 Mark Attendance by Batch

    Select the date column header to open the menu, teachers can "mark all present / mark all absent / Clear marks".


  • 14.8.5 Editing Meeting

    The meeting date for attendance marking can be updated, all meetings are chronologically sorted after date changed.



  • 14.8.6 Exempt a meeting

    In the Meeting or Overall view, teachers can exempt a meeting that no longer requires an attendance grade. Students' overall attendance grades update to not include the exempted meeting, even if teachers have marked some or all student cells. Teachers can also clear the exemption in both views.


  • 14.8.7 Add a meeting in Overall View

    In the Overall view, teachers can mark attendance, view attendance history and class summary statistics, and create new meetings. The most recent meeting need to mark appears on the right side of the screen, the column is purple until teachers add marks for all students.



  • 14.8.8 Overall attendance summary in Overall View

    The Overall view displays course summary statistics about students' attendance. These statistics are included:

    • Course average displayed in the grade pill
    • Perfect attendance
    • Average or above average attendance: Students with perfect attendance are included
    • Below average attendance


  • 14.8.9 Export attendance data in Overall View

    The Overall view displays course summary statistics about students' attendance. These statistics are included:


[Blackboard Official Website] Attendance