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14Course Content Page
14.6Course Image

Updated on 2023-08-16


14.6 Course Image

Teachers can add a course banner image to personalize your course. The Course Image is displayed along the top of the Course Content page and as the course card thumbnail in the Courses list.

Size recommendations

  • The minimum recommended size for the banner image is: 1200 x 240 pixels.
  • Images with text don't scale well.
  • For banners, the recommended visible width ranges from 950 to 1200 pixels. The recommended visible height ranges from 150 to 240 pixels.
  • For course cards, the recommended visible height is a constant 240 pixels. The visible width ranges from 550 to 1100 pixels.
  • Keep the main content within the center, at 550 x 150 pixels of a 1200 x 240 pixels banner, to guarantee its visibility. Anything outside that 550 x 150 central pixel area may be cropped out at various screen sizes for either the course card or the banner.
  • An abstract image or one with a focus at the center would work better for a banner, due to cropping variability.



[Blackboard Official Website] Course Banner