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14Course Content Page
14.4Class register (i.e. Roster)

Updated on 2023-08-16


14.4 Roster (i.e. Class register)

View the class list, teachers can access basic profile cards and match faces to names. Teachers can also send messages to anyone involved with their course.

Note The student enrollment is handled by ITU according to the data from the System Manage System (SMS) that cannot be modified by teachers.



  • 14.4.1 Download Student List

    Please refer to section 23 Course Analytics for details.

  • 14.4.2 Viewable to students

    To set whether students can view the Course Roster or not.


  • 14.4.3 Search roster

    In the search box, type a name, username, or at least two letters to reveal matches. Any filters previously selected are cleared when you perform a new search.

    Note Any filters previously selected are cleared when you perform a new search.



  • 14.4.4 Change user list view (a list or a grid)
    • Grid view : It is sorted automatically by role and then by last name. Roles appear in this order: instructors, teaching assistants, graders, course builders, and students. To manually sort the list, switch to list view.
    • 14.4_RosterViewGrid.png

    • List view : It is sorted by last name by default. Select the Name or Role headings to sort the contents.
    • 14.4_RosterViewList.png

  • 14.4.5 Filter users by roles


  • 14.4.6 View more information about course participants

    Select names to view more user information, teachers will be able to access the student information about the account username (full email address).



  • 14.4.7 Manage user accommodations

    Teachers can set accommodations for individual students in Roster. Teachers can exempt students from assessment due dates or time limits. Use accommodations to help students progress in the course even though they may have difficulty with some requirements.

    It is recommended to give an individual student an exception on a specific test or assignment. An exception includes additional attempts or extended access, even if the assessment is hidden from other students. An exception overrides the two settings applied to everyone else for only that specific assessment.




    Students with accommodations appear with an icon next to their names. The icon appears in the gradebook and roster. Students don't see the accommodations teachers have added.


    • Due date accommodation :
      Students with this accommodation will never have their work marked late.
    • Time limit accommodation :
      Students with a time limit accommodation have more time to finish their work during timed assessments. A student with the Unlimited time accommodation never sees the time limit for the assessment.
    • Note If students with accommodations are in a group, all students in that group inherit the accommodation for that item.

[Blackboard Official Website] Roster