Table of Contents
3Creating Assignments

Updated on 2023-08-20


3.1 Creating an assignment

3.2 Assignment Settings

3.3 Optional LTI Settings

3.4 Excluding Assignment Templates

3.5 Save these settings for future use (not including the Template Exclusion)

3.6 Allowed File Types and Sizes



3.1 Creating an assignment



1 On the course content page, select the "Plus Sign" wherever the Turnitin Assignment to be added.

2 Choose "Content Market".



3 Choose "Turnitin Assignment".



4 Assignment Settings, please refer to 3.2 Assignment Settings for details.

5 Optional Settings, please refer to 3.3 Optional Settings for details.

6 Click the "Submit Button" to save.



7 After creating the Turnitin Assignment sucessfully, the above message will be shown. Please close this window and refresh the course to view the new content.


[Turnitin Official Website] (Ultra View) Creating an assignment



3.2 Assignment Settings


[Turnitin Official Website] Assignment settings



3.3 Optional LTI Settings



  • Submit papers to
    • Standard paper repository : Student papers are stored in the global paper repository.
    • Do not store the submitted papers : A similarity report will still be generated for paper submissions, but your students' papers will not be stored in the Turnitin standard paper repository or the institution's paper repository for future comparison.

    Note If teachers changed the Repository from one to another, only those papers submitted after the amendment will abide by this change (i.e. papers submitted before the amendment will not be affected).

  • Allow submissions of any file type
    This setting will allow any file type to be submitted. With this option set to 'Yes', submissions will be checked for originality where possible, submissions will be available for download and GradeMark feedback tools will be available where possible.

    Note Turnitin will NOT generate the Similarity Reports for unsupported file types.

  • Allow late submissions
    A student who has not submitted previously to the assignment can make a late submission.

    Note Allowing late submission is not applicable to resubmissions, students CANNOT overwrite submissions after the due date, even if the late submission option is enabled.

  • Translated Matching
    Translated matching is an optional service offered by Turnitin, which allows students to submit content in a non-English language, whilst retaining the ability to match against our vast database of English language content.

    [Turnitin Official Website] Using translated matching

  • ETS e-rater Feedback
    The ETS e-rater grammar and spelling feedback provides students with suggestions for writing improvement in the following categories: grammar, usage, mechanics, style and spelling. It generates at the same time as the similarity report. To use e-rater for an assignment it must be enabled during assignment creation.

    [Turnitin Official Website] ETS e-rater feedback
  • 3.3_ETS_01.png


  • Generate Similarity Reports for student submission
    • Generate reports immediately (students cannot resubmit) : Similarity Reports for all submissions will be generated immediately. Students cannot resubmit papers.
    • Generate reports immediately (students can resubmit until due date). After 3 resubmissions, reports will generate after 24 hours : This option is recommended when instructors want to use the Similarity Report as formative feedback. Similarity Reports will be generated immediately for each student's initial submission to this assignment. Students can check their work, make changes as necessary and resubmit the best version of their paper to the assignment.
    • Generate reports on due date (students can resubmit until due date) : Similarity Reports will not be generated for any submission until the due date and time of the assignment is reached. Students may resubmit as many times as needed until the due date and time, but will not receive reports during this period. No resubmissions are allowed after the due date and time of the assignment.

  • Allow students to view Similarity Reports
    Select the checkbox to allow students to view their Similarity Reports for submissions to this assignment.


[Turnitin Official Website] Optional LTI settings



3.4 Excluding Assignment Templates



Note Once a student submits to the assignment, this setting will be disabled and cannot be edited.

Note The "Save these settings for future use" setting will NOT save this template exclusion setting.

Note Teachers can remove template exclusions from individual similarity reports from within the report itself.


[Turnitin Official Website] Excluding assignment templates



3.5 Save these settings for future use (not including the Template Exclusion)

Teachers can save their preferred settings for creating future assignments.




3.6 Allowed File Types and Sizes

Note The .PPT extension does not work with integrations. Use .PPTX instead.

[Turnitin Official Website] Allowed file types and sizes

