Table of Contents
9Submitting Assignments
9.1with Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin

Updated on 2021-06-21

Submitting Assignments (with Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin) **NEW**

By using assignment activity, students can upload assignments once teachers set up. Teachers can also add grades and feedbacks to the assignment. Clicking the assignment link on the Course Page to enter the assignment submission page.

Teachers can enable "Turnitin" to submit the assignments for Turnitin plagiarism checking. To have the full features of Turnitin, teachers might create a Turnitin Assignment.

Note With initial set up by teachers, students can make assignment submissions. Otherwise, no assignment can be uploaded to Moodle. Please consult teachers to activate the function.


9.1.1 Accessing Assignment Details

9.1.2 Adding Submission

9.1.3 Checking Submission Details

9.1.4 Editing Submission

9.1.5 Accessing Grades and Feedback (if any)

9.1.6 First-time-use Turnitin



9.1.1 Accessing Assignment Details


1 Read the Assignment Name and Description carefully before making a submission.

2 Additional file(s) for the assignment.

3 Submission status : Add a submission or not.

4 Grading status : Teachers can use the grading function to release grades.

5 Due date : If set, the submissions after the due date will be marked as late. Teachers may NOT allow students to submit assignments after the deadline.


9.1.2 Adding Submission

6 Click the button "Add submission" to upload file(s).


7 If the assignment enabled Turnitin, a message "*** This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. ***" will be shown on the submission form.

8 Upload assignment: Click the "Add" icon to browse files or drag and drop file(s) to the corresponding area.

Note Students shall contact teachers directly about the upload limitation of the number of files and file size.

9 Click the button "Save changes" to confirm.

Note Teachers may

  • Require students click submit button to confirm the submission;
  • Require students accept the submission statement;
  • Restrict the number of attempts


9.1.3 Checking Submission Details


10 Submission status

11 Last modified time

12 File submission : File(s) listed in this submission (final or draft).

Turnitin Submission Details :

  • Paper ID ("Turnitin status: Queued" = the file has been uploaded to Moodle and will be sent to Turnitin in minutes.)
  • Similarity Percentage : A percentage indicating the overall similarity of the paper. Click the Similarity Percentage to open the Similarity Report. (Teachers might hide the Similarity Reports from students.)

13 Add submission comment if any.


9.1.4 Editing Submission

14 Update the submission by clicking "Edit submission" button.



15 Click the icon of the existing file.

16 Press the button "Delete".



17 If the assignment enabled Turnitin, a message "*** This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin. ***" will be shown on the submission form.

18 Upload a new file.

19 Click the button "Save changes" to confirm.


9.1.5 Accessing Grades and Feedback (if any)

Teachers may return grade, feedback comments and/or a feedback file.



9.1.6 First-time-use Turnitin

In order to submit the file(s) to Turnitin, users must first accept the "Turnitin End-User License Agreement".



1 Click the message box.



2 Read the Turnitin End-User License Agreement.

3 Press "I agree" button.
