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PreviousExit User Guide
6.1Submission Errors

Updated on 2020-11-19

"Submit to Turnitin" will be shown on the Turnitin Submission Inbox if students tried to make submissions but failed OR the file upload process is incomplete.


Reason 1: Error Message "Your submission must contain 20 words or more.

Reason 2: Error Message "You must upload a supported file type for this assignment."

Reason 3: The File Upload Process Is Incomplete

Submission Logs


Reason 1: Error Message "Your submission must contain 20 words or more."

The file to be submitted with less than 20 searchable words (sometimes, students might submit a scan version of PDF file).



1 Teacher can click to link "Submit to Turnitin" on the Turnitin Submission Inbox to check the error message.

2 The error message will be shown and the 3rd sentence stated the reason.





Reason 2: Error Message "You must upload a supported file type for this assignment."

The file to be submitted is not a supported file types (sometimes, students might submit a without file extension, e.g.: .pdf, .docx).



1 Teacher can click to link "Submit to Turnitin" on the Turnitin Submission Inbox to check the error message.

2 The error message will be shown and the 3rd sentence stated the reason.





Reason 3: The File Upload Process Is Incomplete

The file has been uploaded to Turnitin, but the whole submission process did not finish (it might due to the network connection issue during the file uploading process OR the student has NOT wait until the whole process completed). To avoid such issue, students should wait until the message "Your submission has successfully been uploaded to Turnitin." has been shown, then double-check the submission details on Moodle.



1 Teacher can click to link "Submit to Turnitin" on the Turnitin Submission Inbox to synchronise the data from Moodle to Turnitin.



2 If the "Submit to Turnitin" is due to the incomplete submission process, a submission record will be created that the Submitted Time is the time when the teacher click the link "Submit to Turnitin". For checking the incomplete submission time by the student, teacher can check the Moodle logs (For details, please refer to the next section Submission Logs).



Submission Logs

For checking the time of students tried to make submissions Turnitin, teachers can check the Moodle logs.



1 On the Turnitin Submission Inbox, click the "Edit Icon" on the top-right corner.

2 Select "Logs".



3 Click "All participants" to choose the target student.

4 Press the button "Get these logs".

5 Locate the latest "Add Submission" event name, double-check the correseponding submission title if it is the case of the file upload process is imcomplete.

Note Event name "Add Submission" means the student made/tried to make a submission.


PreviousExit User Guide