Table of Contents
12Course Activities
12.5Quiz Module

Updated on 2020-10-28

The quiz activity enables a teacher to create quizzes comprising questions of various types, including multiple choice, matching, short-answer and numerical.

12.5.0 Question Bank

12.5.1 Adding Quiz Module

12.5.2 Quiz Preview

12.5.3 Checking Quiz Questions ("Edit quiz")

12.5.4 Viewing the Attempts (Grades)

12.5.5 Viewing the Attempts (Responses)

12.5.6 Manual Grading (for "Essay" Question Type Only)

12.5.7 Showing Result to Students

12.5.8 User Override (Set Special "End Time" and/or "Time Limit" for Particular Students)



12.5.0 Question Bank

There will be staff trainings on creating Quiz in August/January (one week before the semester start). For details, please contact ITU E-learning Team

(More content will be available later.)



12.5.1 Adding Quiz Module

There will be staff trainings on creating Quiz in August/January (one week before the semester start). For details, please contact ITU E-learning Team

(More content will be available later.)



12.5.2 Quiz Preview


1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "Preview" to start attempt the quiz.

Note By using the "Preview" function, teachers can try to attempt the quiz anytime. There will ba a message "You can preview this quiz, but if this were a real attempt, you would be blocked because: This quiz is not currently available" if teachers conduct the preview out of the available period.



4 Quiz navigation : Go to different questions easily.

5 Finish attempt : Users will be redirected to the page of "Summary of attempt" for checking the status and submit.

6 Time left : If enabled the "Time limit", a count-down timer will be available.

7 (For Teacher Only) Start a new preview : Start the quiz again, this function can be used for checking the shuffle features of both the question order and MC choices order.

8 Flag question : Add a flag marking on the qustion which will be shown on the "Quiz Navigation" (e.g. Q#2).

9 Next page : Save the answer on this page and move to the next page.



Summary of attempt

10 Status : Status of each question "Answer saved" / "Not yet answered".

11 Return to attempt : Return to the last modified question.

12 Time remaining : Time left if enabled "Time limit". "This attempt must be submitted by xx (the time close the quiz)".

13 Submit all and finish : Submit the quiz.

Note A confirmation box will be appeared "Once you submit, you will no longer be able to change your answers for this attempt.". Users can press the "Submit all and finish" button or "Cancel" button.



12.5.3 Checking Quiz Questions ("Edit quiz")



1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "Edit quiz" to check the questions in the quiz and the question layout.

Note If the quiz has been started, there will be a message "You cannot add or remove questions because this quiz has been attempted. (Attempts: n)".



4 Total grade.

5 Shuffle : Shuffle the question order.

6 Grade of each question.

7 Showing the question name in the "Question Bank".



12.5.4 Viewing the Attempts (Grades)



1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "Result : Grades" to check the grades.



4 "Attempts from" : "Enrolled users who have, or have not, attempted the quiz".

5 Show report : once updated the above settings, click the "Show report" button to get the updated data. Teachers can view the result on the table below or download in excel file.

6 "Download table data as" : "Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)". After choosing the file format, press the "Download" button.

7 For each student attempt, teachers can click the link "Review attempt" for viewing the attempt details.

8 For the answer of each question, teachers can click the link "Mark" / "Requires grading" for viewing the answer of each question.

9 "Regarde all" : If the answer of a question have been revised / more answers have been added after the quiz, teachers can click this button to regrade all the attempts.



12.5.5 Viewing the Attempts (Responses)



1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "Result : Responses" to check the responses.



4 "Attempts from" : "Enrolled users who have, or have not, attempted the quiz".

5 Show report : once updated the above settings, click the "Show report" button to get the updated data. Teachers can view the result on the table below or download in excel file.

Note For the report, show "question text" / right answer when necessary (especially for random questions from different categories.).

6 "Download table data as" : "Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)". After choosing the file format, press the "Download" button.

7 For each student attempt, teachers can click the link "Review attempt" for viewing the attempt details.



Manual Grading (for "Essay" Question Type Only)



1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "Manual grading" to grade the answers of "Essay" questions.



Questions that need grading

4 The number of "To grade" shown the number of answers of each question. Click the link "grade" to view the answers and add comments/grades.



5 Display - "Questions per page" : The number of students' answer on each page.

6 Display - "Order attempts" : By student last name (i.e. student Fullname).

7 After updating the display options, click the "Change options" button to apply the settings to the content below.

8 Answer of each student (When adding comments, teachers might copy the content here).

9 Add "Comment" when necessary.

10 Input "Mark" for each question.

11 After inputting the comment/mark of each question on the same page, press the "Save and go to next page" button.



12.5.7 Showing Result to Students


Note Teachers can update the quiz settings of "Review Options" anytime. Student's view will be updated after the settings have been saved.


1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "Editing settings" to update the quiz settings.



4 Update the settings under "Review options".

Four Status.

  • "During the attempt" : only relevant for some behaviours, like 'interactive with multiple tries', which may display feedback during the attempt.
  • "Immediately after the attempt" : the first two minutes after 'Submit all and finish' is clicked
  • "Later, while the quiz is still open" : after the attempt then go to the quiz page again, and before the quiz close date.
  • "After the quiz is closed" : after the quiz close date has passed. If the quiz does not have a close date, this state is never reached.

Items Can Be Shown.

  • "The attempt" : Whether the student can review the attempt at all. (i.e. The test paper : questions and student's answers.)
  • "Whether correct" (must showing "The attempt") : This covers both the textual description 'Correct', 'Partially correct' or 'Incorrect', and any coloured highlighting that conveys the same information.
  • "Marks" : The overall attempt score, the numerical marks for each question (must showing "The attempt").
  • "Specific feedback" (must showing "The attempt") : Feedback that depends on what response the student gave. (If teachers put the feedback to corresponding choices of MC/True or False Question.)
  • "General feedback" (must showing "The attempt") : The same general feedback text of is shown to all students. (If teacher put the feedback to the question of any question types.)
  • "Right answer" (must showing "The attempt") : An automatically generated summary of the correct response. This can be limited, so you may wish to consider explaining the correct solution in the general feedback for the question, and turning this option off.
  • "Overall feedback" : The feedback given at the end of the attempt, depending on the student's total mark. There is a section "Overall feedback" in the Quiz Settings.



5 Try to preview the quiz, and see the "Review" after attempt.On the review page, more items will be shown (For example: The attempt, whether correct, marks, specific feedback, general feedback, right answer, and overall feedback.)



6 Same as the student's view, there will be a link "Review" after the attempt.



12.5.8 User Overide (Set Special "End Time" and/or "Time Limit" for Particular Students)



1 Clicking the Quiz link on the Course Page to enter the Quiz Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "User overrides" to apply special quiz settings to particular student(s).



Questions that need grading

4 Click the "Add user override" button.



5 Override user : Input the student's fullname to search, click the name to select user.

6 Override the setting(s).

  • Require password
  • Open the quiz
  • Close the quiz
  • Time limit
  • Attempts allowed

7 Click the "Save" button to save the override.



8 Double-check the overrided setting(s). Click "Add user overrid" to set special settings for another student.
