Table of Contents
12Course Activities
12.4Attendance Module

Updated on 2020-09-09

The attendance activity module enables teachers to take attendance during class, repeated sessions of weekly classes can be set up easily. Reports of all the session attendance can be generated into a single file. The attendance status of a student can be "Present", "Late", "Excused" or "Absent" that can be configurated by teachers.

12.4.1 Adding Attendance Module

12.4.2 Checking Status Set

12.4.3 Adding Sessions

12.4.4 Viewing and Managing Attendance

12.4.5 Attendance Report

12.4.6 Exporting Attendance

Student's View



A sample of teacher's view



Filter By Group





12.4.1 Adding Attendance Module

Go to Editing Mode, on the Course Page, click the "Actions Icon" on the top right corner and select "Turn editing on" to manage the course content.



With "Editing On", click "Add an activity or resource" on the Course Page to add Attendance Module.




1 Name : The name to be displayed on the course page. (e.g.: "Lecture Attendance", "Tutorial Attendance")

2 Description : Adding attendance introduction if any.

3 To confirm the file, click "Save and display".

  • "Save and return to course" : Save the settings and return to the Course Page.
  • "Save and display" : Save the settings and return to the Attendance Summary Page
  • "Cancel" : discard all changes.



12.4.2 Checking Status Set



Note Changes to status sets will affect existing attendance sessions and may affect grading.

1 On the Attendance Summary Page, click the tab "Status set".

2 Current status set, create "New set of statuses" when necessary.

3 Status : Revised the status when necessary.

4 Points : Points for each status, marks deduction can be applied to "Late"/"Excused". Revised the points when necessary.

Note For calculating the attendance rate easily, teachers might craete a "Lecture Attendance" with 2 points for Present while a "Tutorial Attendance" 1 point for Present, then calculating overall attendance rate by adding the total points of each attendance activity.

5 Available for students (mins) : The number of minutes after session starts that this status is available for students.

  • Empty : this status will always be available to students.
  • 0 : this status will always be hidden to students.
  • 30 : this status will be available to students during the first 30 mins. (e.g.: 09:00:00 - 09:29:59)

6 Automatically set when not marked : If enabled in the session, set this status if students have not marked their own attendance.

7 (Action) Hide : Hide this status to students.

8 (Action) Remove : Remove this status.

9 Add : Create a new status.

10 Update : Save the change.



12.4.3 Adding Sessions



On the Attendance Summary Page, click the tab "Session".



1 Date : First date of the class.

2 Time : The duration of the class.

3 Description : If empty, the system will label the class(es) as "Regular class session". Enter customised name of the class here.



4 Check this box to create repeated sessions.

5 Repeat on : Select the day(s) of week for the repeated sessions.

6 Repeat every : Set "1" for weekly classes.

7 Repeat until : Can set the date be the end of the teaching week.

8 Allow students to record own attendance.

9 Automatic marking : Disabled.

10 Add button: Create the session(s).



All 13 sessions have been created.



12.4.4 Viewing and Managing Attendance



1 On the Attendance Summary Page, click the tab "Session".

2 Viewing class sessions by different views : "All" / "All past" / "Months" / "Weeks" / "Days"

3 View attendance details.

Note Teachers can update the attendances and remarks for student(s).



4 Edit session details.



5 Remove this session.

6 Select one or more sessions

7 Choose action for the selected session(s) : "Delete" / "Change duration". And press the "OK" button.




12.4.5 Attendance Report



1 On the Attendance Summary Page, click the tab "Report".

2 Viewing report by different views : "All" / "All past" / "Months" / "Weeks" / "Days"



12.4.6 Exporting Attendance



1 On the Attendance Summary Page, click the tab "Export".

2 Choose what to include in the exported file, press "OK" button.

Attendance Excel File : Student Fullname, Student Number, Attendance, Points, Percentage.




Student's View


Student's View : Before available period



Student's View : During available period






** Applied "30 mins available time" for "Present" **. Students can only choose the option "Present" during 12:00:00 to 12:29:59 PM.







Student's View : After available period


