Table of Contents
13Course Content Management
13.4Logging In As Guest Student

Updated on 2020-07-23

To facilitate the testing of Moodle courses with a student privilege, a guest student account is created for each subject group automatically. Guest Student accounts will be expired till the end of each semester. The function "Swich role to" can only get a simple student's view on the course, but not able to make a submission or participate in activities.

Teachers will receive an email with subject "Welcome Message from CPCE Moodle" which will be sent in the first week of each semester. The email including the username and password of Guest Student account(s).





1 Go to the login page of Guest Student :

2 Login using the guest student account information provided in the email with subject "Welcome Message from CPCE Moodle" sent in the first week of each semester.



3 Click the course name on the Moodle Home Page to enter the course.


Note For switching accounts easily, using a web browser for accessing the teacher's account while using another browser to login as Guest Student.

Note When finished the testing, click the "logout" button located at the top right hand corner of the webpage, or simply close the browser.
