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13Using Attendance / Choice Module for Taking Attendance (Online Teaching)

Updated on 2020-08-24

13.1 Using Attendance Module for Taking Attendance [Video Guide] *New*

13.2 Using Choice Module for Taking Attendance [Video Guide]



13.1 Using Attendance Module for Taking Attendance

*New* [Video Guide]


1 Click the attendance activity link on the Course Page to enter the Attendance Activity Page.



2 On the Attendance Activity Page, read the instruction if any.

3 If there is an available session, click the link "Submit attendance".



4 Click to choose "Present" to indicate the class attendance.

5 Click the button "Save changes" to submit the attendance.



6 Check the status "Present" : "Your attendance in this session has been recorded".


Note If some of the options (e.g.: "Present") applied "XX mins of available time" such that students can only choose options within the first XX minutes of the session. The message "Some options have been removed as the session has started" will be shown. Please consult your lecturer if you have any questions for this setting.




13.2 Using Choice Module for Taking Attendance

[Video Guide]



1 Click the choice activity link on the Course Page to enter the Choice Activity Page.



2 On the Choice Activity Page, read the instruction if any.



3 Click to choose the option for indicating the class attendance.



4 Click the button "Save my choice" to submit the option.



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