Table of Contents
12Course Activities
12.3Scheduler Module

Updated on 2020-08-17

The scheduler activity module enables teachers to schedule appointments with students. Attendance and grade can be recorded to the appoinment. Repeated available period with specific length of each appointment can be set up easily.

There will be a Moodle course for "Consultation Registration", teachers can set up "Scheduler Actitivies" for releasing available time-slots for students (subject students and programme students).

12.3.1 Adding Scheduler Module

12.3.2 Creating Time Slots

12.3.3 Viewing and Managing Appointments



12.3.1 Adding Scheduler Module

Go to Editing Mode, on the Course Page, click the "Actions Icon" on the top right corner and select "Turn editing on" to manage the course content.



With "Editing On", click "Add an activity or resource" on the Course Page to add Scheduler Module.




1 Name : The name to be displayed on the course page.

2 Introduction : Adding booking introduction if any.

3 Options :

  • Role name of the teacher : The label for the role who attends students. This is not necessarily a "teacher".
  • Mode : The way appointments can be taken.
    • "n appointments in this scheduler": The student can only book a fixed number of appointments in this activity. Even if the teacher marks them as "seen", they will not be allowed to book further meetings. The only way to reset ability of a student to book is to delete the old "seen" records.
    • "n appointments at a time": The student can book a fixed number of appointments. Once the meeting is over and the teacher has marked the student as "seen", the student can book further appointments. However the student is limited to n "open" (unseen) slots at any given time.
  • Booking in groups : Allow students to book a slot for all members of their group. (Note that this is separate from the "group mode" setting, which controls the slots a student can see.)
  • Guard time : A guard time prevents students from changing their booking shortly before the appointments. Students will be unable to book/drop slots that start in less than the "guard time".
  • Default slot duration : The default length (in minutes) for appointment slots that you set up.
  • Notifications : If enabled, teachers and students will receive notifications when appointments are applied for or cancelled.
  • Use notes for appointments :
    • None
    • Appointment notes, visible to teacher and student
    • Confidential note, visible to teachers only
    • Both types of notes.



4 Grade:

  • Teachers can release grades on Moodle, these settings control the scheduler grades which placed in the course Grade Book. Please refer to [14. Grade Book] for details.

5 Booking form and student-supplied data :

  • Use booking form : If enabled, students will see a separate booking screen before they can book slots. The booking screen may require them to enter data / upload files / solve a captcha.
  • Booking instructions : This text will be displayed to students before they make bookings.
  • Let students enter a message : If enabled, the booking screen will contain a text box for students entering messages. Options: No / Yes, optional for student / Yes, student must enter a message.
  • Maximum number of uploaded files : 0 - 5.
  • Maximum file size
  • Use CAPTCHA for new bookings : If enabled, students will need to solve CAPTCHA security questions before making bookings.



6 Availability : Determining whether students can access the file.

7 Restrict access : Restricting student access this section by different criteria. Please refer to [13.2 Restrict Access] for details.

8 Activity completion : Set the completion criteria. If set Completion tracking to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed", there will be a checkbox next to the file for student use. [Student: Completion Tracking]

9 To confirm the file, click "Save and display".

  • "Save and return to course" : Save the settings and return to the Course Page.
  • "Save and display" : Save the settings and return to the Scheduler Summary Page
  • "Cancel" : discard all changes.



12.3.2 Adding Time Slots

Note Each enrolled teacher can add independent slots with students.


Add repeated slots

Note More repeated slots can be added for different patterns.
e.g.: a repeated slots for every Wednesday 10:00 - 11:00, another repeated slots for every Friday 14:00 - 16:00.


On the "My appointments" tab, click "Add slots" > choose "Add repeated slots"



1 Date : Start date for making slots.

2 Repeat time slots until : End date for making slots. Over these dates, slots will be repeated based on the day of week and time. Leave it blank to make the slot for a single day.

3 Add appointments on : Day(s) of the week to create slots.

4 Time range : Range for making slots.

5 Divide into slots : "Yes" : creating multiple slots fitting within the range specified above. "No" : a single slot with the given duration will be created.

6 Duration : Set duration for each slot.

7 Break between slots : Set break time between each slot.

8 Force when overlap : Determines how new slots will be handled if they overlap with other, already existing slots. Yes : the overlapping existing slot will be deleted and the new slot created. No : the overlapping existing slot will be kept and a new slot will not be created.

9 Maximum number of students per slot : Specify how many students will be able to sign up for each slot. For one-on-one meetings, this would be 1 student.

Note Other students can view the member(s) in the booked group sessioins when viewing the available sessions.

10 Location : Location where the teacher will meet students.

11 Teacher : Choose who to meet students.

12 Display slot to students from : Limit availability of slots to students based on how far away the slots are. Options include "Now" (always available), "1-6 days before", and "1-6 weeks before."

13 Email a reminder : Control when a reminder will be sent by mail to the students. Options include "Now" (always available), "1-6 days before", and "1-6 weeks before."


Add a single slot


On the "My appointments" tab, click "Add slots" > choose "Add single slot"



1 Date : Start date and time for the slot.

2 Duration : Set duration for the slot. "Ignore scheduling conflicts" : If enabled, the slot will be moved to the requested date and time, even if other slots exist at the same time. This may lead to overlapping appointments for some teachers or students.

3 Maximum number of students per slot : Specify how many students will be able to sign up for each slot. For one-on-one meetings, this would be 1 student.

Note Other students can view the member(s) in the booked group sessioins when viewing the available sessions.

4 Location : Location where the teacher will meet students.

5 Teacher : Choose who to meet students.

6 Display slot to students from : Limit availability of slots to students based on how far away the slots are. Options include "Now" (always available), "1-6 days before", and "1-6 weeks before."

7 Email a reminder on : Control when a reminder will be sent by mail to the students.



12.3.3 Viewing and Managing Appointments


1 Go to the "All appointments" tab

2 Students made appointments.

3 Maximum number of students per slot. Show blank if the slot is exclusive to a single student.

Note Other students can view the member(s) in the booked group sessioins when viewing the available sessions.

4 Mark "Seen" to this student.

5 Click the name of student to add notes.


6 Revoke this appoinment.
When a student only allow to book a fixed number of appointments, teachers can reset the ability of a student to book more appoinment by "revoke" the no show / seen appoinment.

7 Edit individual slot


8 Send invitation / reminder. Check the recipients and update the message body


9 Schedule an appointment for a student.

  • Choose an existing session
  • Schedule a new slot




12.3.4 Overview



12.3.5 Statistics



12.3.6 Export



Student's View : Before booking



Student's View : After booking [only one appoinment can be made]



Student's View : After booking [multiple appoinments can be made]



Note Other students can view the member(s) in the booked group sessioins when viewing the available sessions.



Note Other students CANNOT view the full sessioins.

