Table of Contents
11Course Assignment
11.5Giving Assignment Feedback by Annotate PDF

The assignment module enables teachers to collect students' work and provide grades / feedback. Please refer to 11.1 Adding Assignment on how to add Assignment to the course.

Giving assignment feedback by "Annotate PDF" enables teachers to add comments, drawing and stamps directly on top of the students' work without downloading the files.

Note For using this function, students must submit PDF files. Adding ".pdf" as "Accepted file types" for restricting students' submissions. (Refer to the next section 11.5.1 for details.)

Note Please remind students to make the pages' orientation properly for easy marking.


11.5.1 Enabling Annotate PDF in the Assignment Settings

11.5.2 Viewing Individual Submissions

11.5.3 Adding Annotate to PDF

11.5.4 Releasing Annotate PDF to Students

11.5.5 Downloading All Annotate PDF


11.5.1 Enabling Annotate PDF in the Assignment Settings


1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the "Edit Icon" on the top right corner.

2 Select Edit settings.



3 Under Submission types section, add ".pdf" in Accepted file types.

4 Under Feedback types section, select "Annotate PDF" in Feedback types.


11.5.2 Viewing Individual Submissions


1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the button "Grade".



2 Links to the Course Page, Assignment Summary Page and Assignment All Submission Summary.

3 Student information.

4 Search for students, go to the previous student, go to the next student.

5 Submission Details : Submission status, submitted file.

6 Grade and Feedback : Teachers can add Grade and Feedback to individual submission OR import data from a .csv file (Please refer to Grade Book for details).

7 Blocks display layout : Adjust the size of the Review Panel and Grading Panel.

8 Reset : Discard the changes just made in 6 Grade and Feedback.

9 Save changes / Save and show next : Save the changes in 6 Grade and Feedback / Save the changes in 6 Grade and Feedback and show the next student's record.

10 Notify students : If "Yes", after saving the changes, the student will receive an notification about the grade and feedback are ready on Moodle.


11 Review Panel of Annotate PDF (Refer to the next section 11.5.3 for details).


11.5.3 Adding Annotate to PDF


1 Comment

2 Comment colour

3 Collapsed comment

4 Expanded comment

5 (Click the top right corner of the comment window) Add to quicklist : Add current comment to the quicklist which will be shown on the bottom of the this menu.

6 (Click the top right corner of the comment window) Delete comment



7 Expand / collapse all comments



8 Search comments



9 Pen tool

10 Line tool

11 Rectangle tool

12 Oval tool

13 Highlight Pen

14 Annotation colour



15 Stamp

16 Stamp Style



17 Select Tool : Move / delete the selected annotation.

18 Drag to move the page.



19 Save changes / Save and show next. After saved, the annotate PDF will be created and shown in the column "Annotate PDF" on the Assignment All Submission Summary.



11.5.4 Releasing Annotate PDF to Students

Note By default assignment settings, "Using marking workflow" is enabled. Set the "Marking workflow state" to "Release" for showing the Annotate PDF to students.


By Individual Submission Record


1 On the individual submission record, change the "Marking workflow state" to "Released".


By Assignment All Submission Summary


1 On the Assignment All Submission Summary page, select all students or some of the students. To ensure all students are shown on the list, including "All" for the Title and Fullname filtering, show "All" assignments per page with no filter.


2 Choose "Set marking workflow state" for "With selected ...".

3 Click the button "Go" to confirm.



4 Set the "Marking workflow state" to "Release"

5 Notify students : If "Yes", after saving the changes, the student will receive an notification about the grade and feedback are ready on Moodle.


6 Click the button "Save changes" to confirm.

Note To ensure the comments display as the marker intends, students might download the annotated PDF rather than just previewing it. Preview sometimes displays comments in away which obscures the original text.


The Marking Status has been updated



Student's View after Released Annotate PDF



11.5.5 Downloading All Annotate PDF


1 On the Assignment All Submission Summary page, choose "Download all annotate PDF" for "Grading action" on the top left corner.
