Table of Contents
11Course Assignment
11.4Bulk Upload Feedback Files

Updated on 2020-07-16

The assignment module enables teachers to collect students' work and provide grades / feedback. Please refer to 11.1 Adding Assignment on how to add Assignment to the course.

Bulk upload feedback files enables teachers to add feedback to students' submissions offline and distribute to students by uploading a zip file on Moodle.


11.4.1 Enabling Feedback Files in the Assignment Settings

11.4.2 Download template zip file from Moodle and unzip to the computer

11.4.3a Working on Students' Submissions (using Computers)

11.4.3b Working on Students' Submissions (using iPad via OneDrive App)

11.4.4 Uploading the Zip File to Moodle

11.4.5 Releasing Feedback Files and Grades to Students



11.4.1 Enabling Feedback Files in the Assignment Settings


1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the "Edit Icon" on the top right corner.

2 Select Edit settings.



3 Under Feedback types section, select "Feedback files" in Feedback types.



11.4.2 Download template zip file from Moodle and unzip to the computer


1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the "Edit Icon" on the top right corner.

2 Downlaod one of the template zip files.

Use Case Number of Assignment Files
Submitted by Students
Number of Feedback Files
from Teacher
Suggested Template Zip Files
1 Single Single e, f, g, h (files only without folders)
2 Single Multiple
(e.g.: Marked student submission,
Marking Scheme, Extra files)
a, b, c, d (with folders)
3 Multiple Single a, b, c, d (with folders)
4 Multiple Multiple a, b, c, d (with folders)

Folder : Each student's submission is put in a separate folder
Group : Subject Group Name [Only the subject groups created by the system will be available for this group information. Courses without any subject groups will only have four types template zip file.]
Student Name: Student English Fullname

# Template Zip File Pattern of "Folder Name" / "Filename" Example
(e.g.: one student submitted two files)
a (Folder) + Group + Student Name + Student ID

(if subject groups available)
Folder Name :
[Group] [Student Name] [Student ID]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
[Filename Input by student]
Folder Name :
101 CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
b (Folder) + Group + Student ID + Student Name

(if subject groups available)
Folder Name :
[Group] [Student ID] [Student Name]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
[Filename Input by student]
Folder Name :
101 11111111a CHAN Tai Man Peter_9999999_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
c (Folder) + Student Name + Student ID Folder Name :
[Student Name] [Student ID]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
[Filename Input by student]
Folder Name :
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
d (Folder) + Student ID + Student Name Folder Name :
[Student ID] [Student Name]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
[Filename Input by student]
Folder Name :
11111111a CHAN Tai Man Peter_9999999_assignsubmission_file_
Filename :
e Group + Student Name + Student ID

(if subject groups available)
Filename :
[Group] [Student Name] [Student ID]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_[Filename Input by student]
Filename :
101 CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent111.FileExtension
101 CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent222.FileExtension
f Group + Student ID + Student Name

(if subject groups available)
Filename :
[Group] [Student ID] [Student Name]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_[Filename Input by student]
Filename :
101 11111111a CHAN Tai Man Peter_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent111.FileExtension
101 11111111a CHAN Tai Man Peter_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent222.FileExtension
g Student Name + Student ID Filename :
[Student Name] [Student ID]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_[Filename Input by student]
Filename :
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent111.FileExtension
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent222.FileExtension
h Student ID + Student Name Filename :
[Student ID] [Student Name]_[Submission ID]_assignsubmission_file_[Filename Input by student]
Filename :
11111111a CHAN Tai Man Peter_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent111.FileExtension
11111111a CHAN Tai Man Peter_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent222.FileExtension



3 Save the zip file to the computer.



4 Go to the location of the downloaded zip file and unzip it.



11.4.3a Working on Students' Submissions (using Computers)



Each student's submission is put in a separate folder, the folder name containing the submission IDs that cannot be changed :

  1. (Folder) Group + Student Name + Student ID
  2. (Folder) Group + Student ID + Student Name
  3. (Folder) Student Name + Student ID
  4. (Folder) Student ID + Student Name

Note Files with no changes will be ignored (i.e. the "original student submitted file" will not be uploaded to Moodle as the "teacher's feedback file".).


1i Open each student's submission in the separate folder, add comments / feedback and save the individual file in the original space.

Note Do not change the folder name (unique student's submission ID be the second part of the folder name) or folder location since such information will be used for distributing files to students on Moodle.

Note Teachers can give students multiple feedback files (just save the files within the student's folder).



2i After adding comments / feedback to all the students' submissions. Select all students' folder and zip them into one file.



No seperate folder of each student, all students' files are stored in one folder only. The filename containing the submission IDs that cannot be changed :

  1. Group + Student Name + Student ID
  2. Group + Student ID + Student Name
  3. Student Name + Student ID
  4. Student ID + Student Name

Note No checking on the uploadded files (i.e. the "original student submitted file" can be uploaded to Moodle as the "teacher's feedback file".). Teachers need to check whether the files to be uploaded are all marked assignments.


1ii Open each student's submission, add comments / feedback and save the individual file with the original filename.

Note Do not change the filename (unique student's submission ID be the second part of the filename) since the information will be used for distributing files to students on Moodle.

Note If the students submitted more than one file, files submitted by the same students will have the same prefix in the filename. E.g.:
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent111.FileExtension
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent222.FileExtension



2ii After adding comments / feedback to all the students' submissions. Select all students' files and zip them into one file.



11.4.3b Working on Students' Submissions (using iPad via OneDrive App)

Note Teachers can share the OneDrive folder to subject team members for group marking.


1 On the computer, open one of the Internet browsers, go to OneDrive. Upload the folder of student assignments from the Computer's File Manager to Teacher's the OneDrive File Page.



2 On the iPad, go to the OneDrive App and locate the folder of student assignments.



Each student's submission is put in a separate folder, the folder name containing the submission IDs that cannot be changed :

  1. (Folder) Group + Student Name + Student ID
  2. (Folder) Group + Student ID + Student Name
  3. (Folder) Student Name + Student ID
  4. (Folder) Student ID + Student Name

Note No checking on the uploadded files (i.e. the "original student submitted file" can be uploaded to Moodle as the "teacher's feedback file".). Teachers need to check whether the files to be uploaded are all marked assignments.


3i Go one of the students' folders.

Note Do not change the folder name (unique student's submission ID be the second part of the folder name) or folder location since such information will be used for distributing files to students on Moodle.

Note Teachers can give students multiple feedback files (just save the files within the student's folder).



No seperate folder of each student, all students' files are stored in one folder only. The filename containing the submission IDs that cannot be changed :

  1. Group + Student Name + Student ID
  2. Group + Student ID + Student Name
  3. Student Name + Student ID
  4. Student ID + Student Name

Note No checking on the uploadded files (i.e. the "original student submitted file" can be uploaded to Moodle as the "teacher's feedback file".). Teachers need to check whether the files to be uploaded are all marked assignments.


3ii Go one of the students' folders.

Note Do not change the filename (unique student's submission ID be the second part of the filename) since the information will be used for distributing files to students on Moodle.

Note If the students submitted more than one file, files submitted by the same students will have the same prefix in the filename. E.g.:
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent111.FileExtension
CHAN Tai Man Peter 11111111a_9999999_assignsubmission_file_FilenameInputbystudent222.FileExtension




PDF Files


4 Open the PDF file.



5 Click the "Pen" icon to edit the file on the OneDrive App.



6 Use the tools to add comments on the PDF file, click the "Done" button to save.

  1. Undo
  2. Redo
  3. Add Note
  4. Add Text Box
  5. Add Signature
  6. Add Image
  7. Add Date
  8. Eraser
  9. Colour Pen
  10. Highlight Pen

More reference from Microsoft : Mark up a PDF in OneDrive for iOS



WORD Files


4 Open the WORD file.



5 Click the "Word" icon to edit the file on the Microsoft Word App.



6 Use the tools to add comments on the Word file, click the "File" button to enable "AutoSave" on the OneDrive.




7 After adding comments / feedback to all the students' submissions and files are updated on OneDrive. On the computer, open one of the Internet browsers, go to OneDrive, download the file (The single zip file can be downloaded).



11.4.4 Uploading the Zip File to Moodle

Note The maximum file upload size to Moodle is 250MB. If the zip file size of all the students' subfolders is greater than 250MB, please divide the zip file into two or even more, and upload those zip files to Moodle individually. For example, if the zip file containing 100 subfolders, please zip the first 50 subfolders into a zip file "A" and zip last 50 subfolders into another zip file "B". Upload the zip file "A" to Moodle, later on upload another zip file "B" to Moodle.



1 On the Assignment Summary Page, click the "Edit Icon" on the top right corner.

2 Select Upload multiple feedback files in a zip.



3 Browse the zip file or drag and drop the file to the corresponding area.

4 Click the button "Import feedback file(s)".



5 Check the list of feedback files, the button "Confirm".

Note Files with no changes will be ignored (i.e. the "original student submitted file" will not be uploaded to Moodle as the "teacher's feedback file".).



6 Check the number of uploaded feedback files feedback files and click the button "Continue". The feedback files will be shown in the column "Feedback files" on the Assignment All Submission Summary.


Note The filename of the uploaded feedback files will be the same as the filename of the student submitted files.



11.4.5 Releasing Feedback Files and Grades to Students

Note By default assignment settings, "Using marking workflow" is enabled. Set the "Marking workflow state" to "Release" for showing the feedback files to students.

To ensure all students are shown on the list, including "All" for the Title and Fullname filtering, show "All" assignments per page with no filter.




1 On the Assignment All Submission Summary page, select all students or some of the students.

2 Choose "Set marking workflow state" for "With selected ...".

3 Click the button "Go" to confirm.
"Set marking workflow state for all selected submissions?" -> "OK".



4 Set the "Marking workflow state" to "Release"

5 Notify students : If "Yes", after saving the changes, the student will receive an notification about the grade and feedback are ready on Moodle.


6 Click the button "Save changes" to confirm.



The Marking Status has been updated




Student's View after Released the Feedback File

