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Issue 7
Tip 1: Share the results of your activities after the presentation ends
Sharing the results of any Poll Everywhere activities completed during your presentation is an easy, natural way to follow up with the audience and remind them what you presented. Doing so reminds them not only about what everyone said in response to your activities, but will likely trigger other memories about the discussions or talking points that followed.

There are two ways to create a screenshot of your activity. The first way allows you to download one screenshot at a time from the poll page. The other way allows you to screenshot up to ten activities at once from your My Polls page.

From the activity page

Click the Export icon between "Edit" and "Delete" at the bottom-right hand corner of the screen. In this menu, click Screenshot.

Download screenshot

This will generate an image of your activity’s response chart on a separate tab in your browser. You can right-click to save the screenshot as an image.

From the My Polls page

Check the boxes next to the activities you want to download screenshots of. Click the Download button at the top of the page, and then select Screenshot. This will create and download a zip file containing your selected activities. Open the zip file to access all of your screenshot images.

Download screenshot 2
