Table of Contents
12Course Activities
12.2Choice Module

Updated on 2020-09-03

The choice activity module enables teachers to ask a single question and offer a selection of possible responses for facilitating decision-making. Choice results with student names or anonymously may be published after students have answered, after a certain date, or not at all.

12.2.1 Adding Choice Module

12.2.2 Viewing and Managing Choice Module

12.2.3 Use Case 1 - Taking Attendance *For Single Session Only*

12.2.4 Use Case 2 - Forming Groups



12.2.1 Adding Choice Module

Go to Editing Mode, on the Course Page, click the "Actions Icon" on the top right corner and select "Turn editing on" to manage the course content.



With "Editing On", click "Add an activity or resource" on the Course Page to add Choice Module.




1 Choice Name : The name to be displayed on the course page.

2 Description : Adding choice description if any. Check the box below if you want to display the description to the course page.

3 Display mode for the options : Horizontally / Vertically.



4 Options :

  • Allow choice to be updated : It sets whether to allow students to update their previous choice.
  • Allow more than one choice to be selected : If enabled, students can choose more than one choice (the number of choice cannot be restricted).
  • Limit the number of responses allowed : If enabled, each option can restrict the number of responses.
  • More options can be set by clicking "Add 3 field(s) to form". If other options are left blank, the option will not be displayed.

5 Input options

6 If enabled "Limit the number of responses allowed", set the limitation.



7 Availability : Set the answering period.

8 Result : Publish the result to students or not.



9 Availability : Determining whether students can access the file.

10 Restrict access : Restricting student access this section by different criteria. Please refer to [13.2 Restrict Access] for details.

11 Activity completion : Set the completion criteria. If set Completion tracking to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed", there will be a checkbox next to the file for student use. [Student: Completion Tracking]

12 To confirm the file, click "Save and display".

  • "Save and return to course" : Save the settings and return to the Course Page.
  • "Save and display" : Save the settings and return to the Assignment Summary Page
  • "Cancel" : discard all changes.



12.2.2 Viewing and Managing Choice Module


1 (Display) Choice Name

2 (Display) Choice Description

3 (Display) Options

4 Edit Choice settings

5 View Students' Responses



6 Students' Responses

Note To have the column "Not answered yet", set "Show column for unanswered" to "Yes" under Results section.

7 Download the completed students' responses into excel format.

8 With selected : By checking the selection boxes (choose one of the responses / all responses), choose actions (delete students' responses / assign responses to students)

9 With selected users send a local mail ... : By checking the selection boxes (choose some of the responses / all responses) to select particular students as Moodle Mail recipients, send a message (To All / CC All / BCC All ). Please refer to 6 Moodle Mail for details.



12.2.3 Use Case 1 - Taking Attendance (For Single Session Only)


Note For creating repeated sessions, please refer to 12.4 Attendance Module



1 Go to Editing Mode, on the Course Page, click the "Actions Icon" on the top right corner and select "Turn editing on" to manage the course content.



2 Go the Week / Topic, click "Add an activity or resource".

3 Select "Choice" and click "Add" button.



4 Choice Name : Indicating the class schedule.

5 Description : Adding instruction of how to take attendance.

6 Options : e.g. "Present".



7 Availability : Set the answering period. From: class start time. Until: class end time.

8 Actibity completion :

  • Completion tracking : Show activity as complete when conditions are met.
  • Require view : Student must view this activity to complete it.
  • Require view : Show as complete when user makes a choice.

9 Click "Save and display".



10 [Display] Choice Name.

11 [Display] Choice Description.

12 [Display] Options.

13 Edit Choice settings.

14 View Students' Responses.



15 Students' Responses

Note To have the column "Not answered yet", set "Show column for unanswered" to "Yes" under Results section.

16 Download the completed students' responses into excel format.

Summary Excel File : Student Fullname, Student Number, Group, Choice (Attendance).


Note The attendance activity can be duplicated for the next week class. With "Editing On", click "Edit" for the attendance activity, choose "Duplicate". The same attendance activity has been created and placed below the original one. The name, availability date and time to be revised for the next week class. For the details of Re-using course materials, please refer to [15 Re-use Teaching Materials].



Note For creating repeated sessions, please refer to 12.4 Attendance Module


Student's View : Before available period



Student's View : During available period



Student's View : After available period




12.2.3 Use Case 2 - Forming Groups


1 Go to Editing Mode, on the Course Page, click the "Actions Icon" on the top right corner and select "Turn editing on" to manage the course content.



2 Go the Week / Topic, click "Add an activity or resource".

3 Select "Choice" and click "Add" button.



4 Choice Name : Indicating the class schedule.

5 Description : Adding instruction of how to form groups.

6 Display options vertically.

7 Actibity completion :

  • Allow choice to be updated : Yes. [Students can update their choices within the available period.]
  • Allow more than one choice to be selected : No. [Students can only choose one group.]
  • Limit the number of responses allowed : Yes. [Set the max. group members for each group.]

8 Option : e.g. "Group A/B/C/D" / "Group 1/2/3/4".

9 Limit : number of max. group members.



10 Availability : Set the answering period.

11 Results :

  • Publish results : Always show results to students. [Before making a group choice, students can know who are in the groups.]
  • Privacy of results : Publish full results, showing names and their choices. [Before making a group choice, students can know who are in the groups.]
  • Show column for unanswered : Yes. [Teachers can assign unanswered students to groups later.]

12 Actibity completion :

  • Completion tracking : Show activity as complete when conditions are met.
  • Require view : Student must view this activity to complete it.
  • Require view : Show as complete when user makes a choice.

13 Click "Save and display".



14 [Display] Choice Name.

15 [Display] Choice Description.

16 [Display] Options.

17 Edit Choice settings.

18 View Students' Responses.



19 Students' Responses

20 Download the completed students' responses into excel format.

Summary Excel File : Student Fullname, Student Number, Group, Choice.




Student's View

Before making a group choice, students can know who are in the groups.



Assigning Groups to Nonanswered Students by Teacher


1 On the Choice Summary Page, click "View n responses" to view students' responses.



2 Refer to the "Not answered yet" column, select the nonanswered student(s) by clicking the corresponding checkbox(es).

3 Click "With selected" menu.

4 Choose "Choose: XXX" for assigning the student(s) to a group.



5 Teacher has selected a choice on behalf of the student (i.e. assigned to a group).
