Table of Contents
11Course Assignment
11.1Adding Assignment

Updated on 2021-06-18

The assignment module enables teachers to collect students' work and provide grades / feedback. If enabled "Turnitin", the submitted assignments will send to TurnitinĀ for plagiarism checking. To have the full features of Turnitin, please create a Turnitin Assignment.

Note For the comparison among Moodle Assignment, Moodle Assignment with Turnitin Plugin , and Turnitin Assignment, please refer to 11.0 Assignment Comparison Table.


11.1.1 Adding Assignment
Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin Settings **New**
*** Only the assignments submitted after enabling Turnitin will be uploaded to Turnitin for checking. ***

11.1.2 User Override (Set Special "Due Date" and/or "Cut-off Date" for Particular Students)



11.1.1 Adding Assignment


Go to Editing Mode, on the Course Page, click the "Actions Icon" on the top right corner and select "Turn editing on" to manage the course content.



With "Editing On", click "Add an activity or resource" on the Course Page to add Assignment.



There are various useful settings for collecting students' assignments in different ways, including setting a due date, preventing late submission, submitting online text, allowing multiple file submission and allowing students to type a message with their submission.


1 Assignment Name : The name to be displayed on the course page.

2 Description : Adding assignment description if any. Check the box below if you want to display the description to the course page.

3 Additional files : Additional files for this assignment, for example, question sheet and answer templates. The File download link will be displayed under description of the Assignment Summary Page. Select file(s) by browse file(s) or drag and drop file(s).

4 Availability :

  • Allow submissions from : If enabled, students will not be able to submit assignment before this date. If disabled, students will be able to start submitting right away.
  • Due Date : When the assignment is due. Submissions will still be allowed after this date but any assignments submitted after this date are marked as late. To prevent submissions after a certain date - set the assignment Cut-off date.
  • Cut-off date : If enabled, the assignment will not accept submissions after this date without an extension.
  • Remind me to grade by : The expected date for reminding teachers the submission marking.
  • Remind student before due date : No. of day before due date email alert will send to student mail box. Options include "Disable", "1-10 days".




5 Submission types :

  • Online text : Provide an online textbox for students to type some wordings as a submission. It is useful when students are required to submit an instant work in-class.
  • File submissions : Provide file submission function.
  • Word limit : only applicable to Online text submission.
  • Maximum number of uploaded files : Number of files for students' submissions. If only one file to be submitted, set the number be "1" can force students to delete the original file when making resubmissions.
  • Maximum submission size : The default value is the maximum upload size of the course (default is 50 MB).
  • Accepted file types : Select file type(s), click "Expand" to get individual type. Left empty to allow all file types.


6 Feedback types :

  • Feedback comments : It allows teachers to leave comments for each submission.
  • Annotate PDF : It allows teachers to add comments, drawing and stamps directly on top of the students work.
  • Feedback files : It allows teachers to upload files as feedback.
  • Offline grading worksheet : It allows teachers to download and upload a worksheet with student grades when marking the assignments.
  • 11.1_AddingAssignment_gradesheet.png



7 Submission settings :

  • Require students click submit button : All students should click submit button to confirm their submissions. It is suggested to keep default value which is No.
  • Require that students accept the submission statement : All students accept the submission statement for all submissions to this assignment.
  • Attempts reopened : It determines how student submission attempts are reopened
  • Maximum attempts : The maximum number of submissions attempts that can be made by a student. After this number of attempts has been made the student's submission will not be able to be reopened.


8 Group submission settings : It allows students submit assignment by group.

Note A "grouping" must be created before applying the group submission. Once a student submitted an assignment, grouping cannot be revised. For details, please contact ITU E-learning Team.


9 Notification :

  • Notify graders about submissions : Notify teachers by email / popup message in Moodle when a student submit his assignment.
  • Notify graders about late submissions : Notify teachers by email / popup message in Moodle when a student submit his assignment LATE.



10 Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings :

*** Only the assignments submitted after set "Enable Turnitin : Yes" will be uploaded to Turnitin for checking. ***

  1. Enable Turnitin : If yes, the assignments will be submitted to Turnitin for checking.
  2. Display Similarity Reports to Students : If "Yes", the Similarity Reports are available for students to view.
  3. When should the file be submitted to Turnitin? : It will be available if "Require students to click the submit button : Yes".
  4. Allow submission of any file type? :
    • If "Yes", submissions will be checked for Similarity where possible.
    • If "No", only file types that allow originality reports to be generated will be accepted.
  5. Store Student Papers :

    Note If teachers changed the Repository from one to another, only those papers submitted after the amendment will abide by this change (i.e. papers submitted before the amendment will not be affected).

    • No Repository : The submitted papers will not be stored to Turnitin Database that these papers will not be the source for further checking.
    • Standard Repository : The submitted papers will be stored to Turnitin Database for further checking. For example, student papers submitted to this assignment will be checked against other students' submissions within the class.
  6. Check against Stored student paper / Internet / Journals, periodicals and publications : Three categories of Turnitin Database Source. The similarity percentage may decrease if less category de-selected.

    Note These settings could not be revised once a student paper submitted.

  7. Report Generation Speed :
    • Generate reports immediately (resubmissions are not allowed)
    • Generate reports immediately (resubmissions are allowed until due date)
    • Note Student submissions will compare against one another within the assignment on only the due date and time, which may result in a change in the similarity score and results at the due date and time.

      Note Similarity Reports will generate immediately for your first three attempts. After three attempts a 24 delay is enforced between Similarity Reports generating.

    • Generate reports on due date (resubmissions are allowed until due date)
  8. Exclude Bibliography / Quoted material / Small matches : Exclude content of student papers from being checked for matches when generating Similarity Report. These settings can be set in each individual Similarity Report independently.



11 Grade:

  • Teachers can release grades on Moodle, these settings control the assignment grades which placed in the course Grade Book. Please refer to [14. Grade Book] for details.



12 Availability : Determining whether students can access the file.

13 Restrict access : Restricting student access this section by different criteria. Please refer to [13.2 Restrict Access] for details.

14 Activity completion : Set the completion criteria. If set Completion tracking to "Students can manually mark the activity as completed", there will be a checkbox next to the file for student use. [Student: Completion Tracking]

15 To confirm the file, click "Save and display".

  • "Save and return to course" : Save the settings and return to the Course Page.
  • "Save and display" : Save the settings and return to the Assignment Summary Page
  • "Cancel" : discard all changes.



11.1.2 User Override (Set Special "End Time" and/or "Cut-off Date" for Particular Students)



1 Clicking the Assignment link on the Course Page to enter the Assignment Summary Page.



2 Click the "Action Icon" on the top-right corner.

3 Select "User overrides" to apply special quiz settings to particular student(s).



Questions that need grading

4 Click the "Add user override" button.



5 Override user : Input the student's fullname to search, click the name to select user.

6 Override the setting(s).

  • Allow submissions from
  • Due date
  • Cut-off date

7 Click the "Save" button to save the override.



8 Double-check the overrided setting(s). Click "Add user overrid" to set special settings for another student.
