Table of Contents
14Grade Book
14.2Adding Grade Items


[Video Guide - 14.2 Adding Grade Items] (2.5 mins)


On the Course Page, click "Grades" on the left side Navigation Menu to enter the Course Grade Book.




1 On the Course Grade Book, click the Drop Down Menu on the top-right corner to select "Setup: Gradebook setup".


2 Click "Add grade item" button to create a new grade item.

Note Grade items for some Moodle activities (e.g.: Moodle assignment, Turnitin Assignment and quiz) will be created automatically by the system.



3 Input the grade item name

4 Grade type:

  • Value : For numeric value, have to set the Maximum grade and Minimum grade. Data must be numeric value within the Maximum and Minimum grades / blank entries. "N/A", "-", "ABS" are not allowed.
  • Scale : For letter grade, have to set the Scale. Data must be any of the selected scale / blank entries. PolyU Grade Letters : "A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, F, ABS".
  • Note A new scale can be defined by Drop Down Menu on the top-right corner to select "Scale: View".


  • Text : any value.

Note For revising the "Grade type" of auto-created Grade items for some Moodle activities, please go to "Edit settings" of the Moodle activities and update the setting under "Grade" section.

5 Hidden :

  • Hidden until : Release the grades to students after the set date.
  • Hidden : To hide grades from students. Please make the grade item hidden on the "Gradebook Setup Page".


Note Hide the grade items before importing grades and release the grades after checking if no specific release date set.



6 On Gradebook Setup, make the Course total "Hidden" from students.
