Table of Contents
14Grade Book
14.1Preparing Grades

On the Course Page, click "Grades" on the left side Navigation Menu to enter the Course Grade Book.

Note Grades can be input manually, please skip 14.1 and move to 14.2 and 14.3 (Adding Grades One by One in Single View) for details.


[Video Guide - 14.1 Preparing Grades] (2 mins)

14.1.1 Getting Grade Sheet from Moodle

14.1.2 Inputting Grades to Excel

14.1.3 [Method 1] Copying Data

14.1.3 [Method 2] Saving as A CSV File


14.1.1 Getting Grade Sheet from Moodle


1 After entering the course, click "Export participants" on the left side Navigation Menu to download the Course Participant List.


14.1.2 Inputting Grades to Excel


2 Open the downloaded excel file, sort the data by Student Number.

3 Enter students' grades / Feedback in corresponding columns (Add columns if necessary).



14.1.3 [Method 1] Copying Data

Note Data to be copied : must including Student Number and all Grade Items.



4 Select the columns between Student Number and Grade Items.

5 Right click the mouse, select Hide.



6 Select the Student Number and Grade Items including data and column labels.

7 Right click the mouse, select Copy (The copied data will be used in 14.3 Importing Grades to Moodle).


Note Column labels must be the first row and data must start from the second row.

Note For giving marks, data must be numeric value within the Maximum and Minimum grades / blank entries. "N/A", "-", "ABS" are not allowed.

Note For giving grade letters, data must be any of the selected scale / blank entries.



14.1.3 [Method 2] Saving as A CSV File


4 Select "File" > "Save As".

5 Choose "CSV (Comma delimited)" as file type.



6 Only keep columns of Student Number and Grade Items, delete other columns. Save the file.


Note Column names must be the first row and data must start from the second row.

Note For giving marks, data must be numeric value within the Maximum and Minimum grades, or blank entries. "N/A", "-", "ABS" are not allowed.

Note For giving grade letters, data must be any of the available scales / blank entries.
