Table of Contents
11Course Assignment

Updated on 2021-06-24

Assignment Comparison

Item Moodle Assignment Moodle Assignment with Turnitin Plugin **New** Turnitin Assignment
Plagiarism checking? No Yes Yes
Return feedback files? Yes Yes No
(no file can be uploaded to Turnitin as teacher's feedback)
How to add feedback? Download submissions > add marking onto the downloaded files > Upload multiple feedback files in a zip Download submissions > add marking onto the downloaded files > Upload multiple feedback files in a zip
Turnitin Feedback Studio - GradeMark
Turnitin Feedback Studio - GradeMark
How to release Feedback Change the marking status to "Released"
(each student can has independent status)
Change the marking status to "Released"
(each student can has independent status)
Update "Post Date"
(one Post Date for all students)
Batch download the GradeMark files on Turnitin? N/A No
(need to download it one by one on Turnitin)
If students did not accept the Turnitin user agreement N/A The submitted files will NOT be sent to Turnitin for checking plagiarism No submission can be made
Download all submission Original files in different filename templates Original files in different filename templates Export to Original formet / Export to PDF (without %)
Export Summary in Excel N/A No Yes
Number of uploaded files 1 - 20 1 – 20
(If only one file accepted, the Turnitin Paper ID will be unchanged)
(If more than one file accepted, one Turnitin Paper ID for each submitted file. If the submitted file has been updated, the Turnitin Paper IDs will be updated as well)
one file per part
(one Turnitin paper ID per part)
Set accepted file type(s)? Yes Yes
(if a student submitted a file does not support plagiarism checking, an error will be shown after submission)
Can set a special Due Date for some students? Yes
(User overrides)
(User overrides)
(Same Due Date for all students. Need to set separate submission links for other deadlines)



Moodle Assignment

Adding Assignment
How to create assignment 11.1 Adding Assignment
11.1 Adding Assignment (Turnitin plagiarism plugin settings)
Managing Assignments
Check Submission Details
Edit Submissions (if necessary)
11.2.1 View All Submissions
11.2.1 View All Submissions (with Turnitin Plagiarism Plugin)
Lock Submissions after the Due Date and before Cut-off Date 11.2.2 Lock Submissions
Downloading Assignments
Download All Assignments by Batch 11.3 Downloading Submitted Assignments
Marking Assignments
Online Marking using computer:
  1. Download assignments (a template zip file) from Moodle and upzip to computer
  2. Add comments on students' assignments, rezip the file
  3. Upload the zip file to Moodle for distributing feedback files to students
11.4 Bulk Upload Feedback Files
(11.4.3a Working on Students' Submissions (using Computers))
Online Marking using iPad via OneDrive App:
  1. Download assignments (a template zip file) from Moodle and upzip to computer
  2. Upload the folder (including all subfolders) from computer to OneDrive
  3. Access the files using iPad via OneDrive App, add comments on students' assignments
  4. Download the folder (including all subfolders) from OneDrive
    (OneDrive will create a zip file when downloading a folder)
  5. Upload the zip file to Moodle for distributing feedback files to students
11.4 Bulk Upload Feedback Files
(11.4.3b Working on Students' Submissions (using iPad via OneDrive App))
Online Marking Directly on Moodle (PDF files only) 11.5 Giving Assignment Feedback by Annotate PDF
(Marking on Hardcopies) Returniting the Scanned Feedback Files to Students 11.6.3 Use Case 1 - Distributing the Handwriting Feedback Files for Moodle Assignment Submissions Print Out
Giving Assignment Feedback One by One / Edit Assignment Feedback 11.6 Giving Assignment Feedback One by One
Marking Files on iPad (via OneDrive App) 11.7 Marking Files on iPad (via OneDrive App)



Turnitin™ Assignment (Another Course Activity Module)

For details, please refer to
Similarity Checking : Turnitin V2 User Guide
Online feedback and rubric grading : Giving Feedback on Turnitin User Guide

Adding Assignments
How to create assignment Turnitin V2 User Guide : 4.1 Creating a Turnitin Assignment
Managing Assignments
Check Submission Details
Edit Submissions (if necessary)
Turnitin V2 User Guide : 4.2 Viewing the Turnitin Submission Inbox
Turnitin Similarity Checking
Check Submission Details
Edit Submissions (if necessary)
Turnitin V2 User Guide : 4.3 Opening the Similarity Reports
Downloading Assignments
Download All Assignments Turnitin V2 User Guide : 4.4 Downloading A Summary File, Students Submitted Files and Individual Turnitin Similarity Report
Marking Assignment
Online Marking by Turnitin Feedback Studio : QuickMarks and Commenting Tools Giving Feedback on Turnitin User Guide : 1 QuickMarks and Commenting Tools
Online Marking by Turnitin Feedback Studio : Feedback Summary Giving Feedback on Turnitin User Guide : 2 Feedback Summary
Online Marking by Turnitin Feedback Studio : Grading by Rubrics Giving Feedback on Turnitin User Guide : 3 Grade Overview
Download All Submissions and Do Marking on the Offline Files
(Create a Moodle Assignment for Releasing the Feedback Files)
11.6.4 Use Case 2 - Creating Assignment for Uploading Individual File to Each Student (No Submission Needed)


