Table of Contents
6Moodle Mail

Updated on 2020-07-23

Writing Moodle Mails to students or teachers by course level, the recipients must be the participants in the same course. Email copies of each Moodle Mail will be sent to recipients' college email addresses.

Note On Moodle, the mails are belong to course level that students CANNOT access mails in the hidden courses / unenrolled courses.


Email Copy of Moodle Mail


Note Users must access Moodle to reply the Moodle Mails, please DO NOT reply the email copy directly.

Note The email copy will NOT display the images or attachments, users have to access Moodle for viewing them.



6.1 Compose

6.2 Inbox

6.3 Starred

6.4 Drafts

6.5 Sent

6.6 Trash


6.1 Compose

To access the Compose page, click the "Mail Icon" on the top menu and select "Compose".


1 Course

2 Add recipients : Click this button to add recipient(s) for this mail. (Click the student name to select recipient.) The recipients must be the participants in the course.


3 Subject : Entering the subject of the text area.

4 Message : Adding the content, photos, videos or URLs to the message.

5 Attachments : Adding the attachment through clicking the "Add" icon or drag and drop files to the corresponding area.


6.2 Inbox

All the incoming Moodle Mail will be stored to Inbox. To access the Inbox page, click the "Mail Icon" on the top menu and select "Inbox".


1 Moodle Mail : One unread Moodle Mail.

2 Select All : Click this check box to select all messages.

3 Search : Searching the messages with a specific condition.

4 No. of Messages : Displaying the no. of messages on this page.

5 List : Displaying all messages of Inbox with Sender, Course, Subject and Sent Time.

6 Display Option : Provide the option of max. messages per page.


6.3 Starred

Starred is the default folder for Moodle Mail which has been labelled with a star. To access the Starred page, click the "Mail Icon" on the top menu and select "Starred".


6.4 Drafts

Moodle Mail can save as a draft for sending or revising it later. To access the Draft page, click the "Mail Icon" on the top menu and select "Drafts".


6.5 Sent

Sent is the default folder for Moodle Mail which has been sent. To access the Sent page, click the "Mail Icon" on the top menu and select "Sent".


6.6 Trash

Trash is the default folder for Moodle Mail which has been deleted, even after they have been read. To access the Trash page, click the "Mail Icon" on the top menu and select "Trash".
