Table of Contents
Issue 8
Tip 2: Poll Everywhere's New Activity Creator
The new creator is available now for all presenters. When you visit your My Polls page and click 'Create' this screen will appear. The seven boxes along the top are different activities. Now the full array of Poll Everywhere's creative options are front and center, making it easier than ever to find the perfect complement for your presentation.

Old Creator:

New Creator:


Creating an activity works just like it did in the old creator: select an activity, enter your text, and hit 'Create'.

If you need to create multiple activities at once, use the new 'Add another activity' button. It saves your current activity and starts a new one without having you jump between menus.


There are just two more features to cover: the 'Assign activity to a group' and 'Add another activity' buttons.

Assigning an activity to a group adds the activity you were justing working on to one of your groups. Groups are how you keep your activities organized within your account. You can create a new group by visiting your My Polls page and clicking 'Group' at the top of the page.

Selecting 'Add another activity' saves the activity you were just working on and lets you create a new one without leaving the dashboard.


(This article is quoted from Poll Everywhere)
