Table of Contents
2Major Features of Poll Everywhere
2.1Types of Poll

Poll Everywhere support various poll types. You can select the kind of poll you want to make.

2.1.1 Multiple Choice Poll


The audience chooses from the response options you provide (including, for example a choice of either true or false.) You can also upload images to serve as response options.

2.1.2 Open Ended Poll


The audience responds freely to the poll, with texts they wish. Open-ended poll responses can be displayed in a variety of ways, including a live Word Cloud, ticker text wall, or and cluster. You can use Moderation to manage which responses are shown publicly.

2.1.3 Clickable Images poll


The audience clicks on an image to vote. You can even specify regions.

2.1.4 Q&A poll


The audience submits responses, and can anonymously agree or disagree with other responses by upvoting or downvoting.

2.1.5 Ranking poll


The audience ranks the response options you provide. The responses will then show as an overall rank of the on a bar or column graph.
