Table of Contents
5Working on Poll in Web version
5.7Poll Configuration

Poll Configuration Page


1 Visual Setting: Chart settings.

2 Activate: You may find the respond link here.

3 Show results: Show or hide the result.

4 Show correct: Show or hide the corect answer (if any).

5 Lock Poll: Lock the poll to prevent responses.

6 Clear Results: Clear the result of this run but not recommand to clear the poll result here. Details please find at 5.19 Archive Poll Result.

7 Enter Full Screen: Enter full screen.

8 Configure: Poll front end setting.

9 Test: Preview of the poll.

10 Present: How to present/Share.

11 Edit: Please refer to [5.4 Edit Poll] for details.

12 Export: Export different type of files.

13 Delete: Click here to delete the poll.

5.7.1. Visual Setting


1 Chart Type: Bar/Column/Donut.

2 Color Scheme: Text color and Background color.

3 Font: Font Style.

4 Voting instruction: Show or hide the response link.

5 Title: Display of the title and the text color.

6 Background: Background color.

7 Archives: Show this run result or archived result.

8 Bars: Bar color and x, y-axis color.

9 Axis & Labels: Axis setting.

10 Segment responses Enable/Disable segmentation.

11 Legend: Colour of keywords settings.

12 Instructions view settings: Another view settings.

13 Total results: Total number of responses.

5.7.2. Configure Poll How people can respond


1 Website: The website includes all the active polls.

2 ITU is strongly NOT recommend teacher use text respond, Teacher may unchecked the text messaging respond in default setting. Audience restriction & identity

1 Who can participate? : Determine it is open for public or only for users.

2 How do you want to identify participants? : Click if you want your participants to respond in anonymity. Response settings


1 Each person may respond: The number of times that user can responses.

2 Each option may be selected: The number of times that user can select responses.

3 Change answer: Allow user to correct their response.

4 Show activity title: Show or hide the activity title(question) on all devices.

5 Custom reply message: Tick if you want to send a notification to the user after they respond to the poll.
